I thought I’d share a few photos of Doc Scurlock cheesing it up for the camera. If you haven’t already listened to the latest from The Wild West Extravaganza, these are the pictures I was referencing. First, though - here’s Doc as a younger man.
And then there’s this photo, which is NOT Josiah Doc Scurlock.
Per the Scurlock family, this photo is almost certainly Doc’s brother-in-law Jack Smith.
Finally, let’s get to the good stuff! Here’s Doc cutting up for the camera! He’s the one looking to the side.
And my favorite, here’s Doc smiling behind his sister.
All of these photos are courtesy of the book Blood on the Saddle by David Garrett and Mica Pharis. If you’re looking for more books on the Old West, feel free to peruse this collection and see if anything jumps out at you.
Also mentioned in the most recent episode was J.J. Dolan. Here’s a photo of Dolan (sitting down) and Bob Olinger (yes - that Bob Olinger). Notice their hats. Dolan’s hat looks very much like the one worn by The Kid in the famous tintype, only not as beat up. Olinger’s hat appears to be “punched in” at the top, like the one the Kid once sported.
Here’s John Kinney. He’s the one standing.
And here’s a photo that many claim is Jesse Evans but, to the best of my knowledge, it has not been authenticated.
Alright, that’s about all I’ve got for this edition. Have a great day and don’t forget to smile!
Just wanted to say thank you for the fantastic pictures.
Thanks Josh, love the pictures and the podcast!