As we officially wrap up the series on Pat Garrett, I thought I’d share a couple of photos of his alleged killer, Wayne Brazel.
That’s Brazel, seated in the middle. Below is a photo of him holding a teddy bear.
While we’re at it, here’s two photos of Oliver M. Lee, prime suspect in the disappearance of Albert Jennings Fountain and friends with Brazel, W.W. Cox, Print Rhode, and others who MAY have also been involved in Garrett’s death.

Lee was a tough SOB and apparently continued to go armed well into his later years.
And, of course, we also have death incarnate himself, the infamous Deacon Jim Miller.
Deacon Jim was the brother-in-law of Carl Adamson, the ole boy in the buggy when Pat Garrett was shot dead. Also Jim was related - by marriage - to the feuding Clements family from Texas. Mannen Clements, cousin of John Wesley Hardin, was said to be the bag man between Killin’ Miller and rancher W.W. Cox - if the rumors are to be believed.
If you haven’t listened to the most recent episode of The Wild West Extravaganza - Pat Garrett | Murder (Part 5) - you may want to check it out. The mystery surrounding Garrett’s death goes deep and I’d love to hear your opinion.
I think Wayne Brazel most likely acted alone. He shot Pat out of pure fear. But boy-oh-boy…there sure is a lot of smoke!
So what do you think? Whodunit? Who do you believe killed Pat Garrett? Brazel? Deacon Jim?
Or was it the aliens?
Definitely aliens.
Okay kids, this is pure satire, please dont report me to the NSA
Okay, hear me out BEFORE you block me..
I have a theory, and it's an incredibly factual theory..
Okay, Okay, Okay, (You just read that in Joe Pesci's voice)
We have two people who's demise came from something penetrating the BACK of their heads, in both cases, zero witnesses, EVEN in a CROWDED SALOON with TWO cops present...
Then we have several folks who simply just disappeared off the face of the planet.
H.R. Clinton,who is either a member of the Lizardfolk , or an alien from deep space, is my #1 suspect,
I mean it's all there,
People being shot in the BACK of the head,
No witnesses, NOT EVEN the cops would step up. (They probably knew all about H.R. Clinton)
Then after all that, people where getting strung up, rings of some dude named, J.E. Epstein,
BUT that dude is straight up speculation on my part.
Now, H.R. Clinton being either a Lizard person or alien, she is old enough to be a credible suspect.
I mean the MO is there, possibly even motive, I mean what if Garret Knew and had proof H.R. Clinton was one of the two??
Thats huge motive